Sharing Christ, Helping People, Changing Lives

230 S. Washington Street

Tiffin, Ohio 44883



INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS OUTREACH is the missions arm of A Little Faith Ministries. Our mission is to inspire people to realize their potential to change the world and their role in it. 


Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came to this world to bring hope for eternity. He commanded his followers to “Go and make disciples in all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20). As we place our faith in the Lord of the Harvest, we recognize the great opportunity, stewardship, and responsibility for evangelism, discipleship, and the urgency to see lives changed – forever!


Through vital outreaches, practical humanitarian aid, and media, we share the love of Christ with all nations. By partnering with the ministries we serve, we aim to call the next generation of leaders out of their comfort zones and expose them to what God is doing in the world.


Live out your faith in a real and relevant way. Share the love of Jesus with the orphan, the lost, and the hurting.  By signing up with IMO, your life will never be the same.   


1st Saturday of each month | Day Trip - Prayer Tents - Pray and minister to people



To sign up please contact the church office at (419) 455-5861 or email